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Eli Elefant

​​CEO of PBC-USA Investments since 2014. PBC-USA is the global real estate investment arm of Property Building Corp, one of Israel's largest diversified real estate companies. Eli is a former captain in the IDF special forces.


Joe Richards

Joe, a National Director at one of the leading national political organizations, was a communication strategist for dozens of Fortune 100 companies. He has nearly two decades of experience as a co-founder of Jewish non-profits. Joe is the founder and chairman of
GSD Advisers Inc, a security movement to protect the Jewish community.


Maya Shaposhnik Cadena

CEO of Vetted Pet Health Inc. is a serial entrepreneur with a focus on operations, sales, and fundraising. She served in the IDF as an infantry instructor on the Gaza and Lebanon border. Currently sits on the alumni board of Reichman University and is a Argov fellowship and Heseg scholarship alumna.


Ross (Raz) Sapir

Founder and CEO of New York City’s premiere moving and storage company, Roadway Moving and a prominent member of YPO. Ross is a former member of IDF special forces unit Egoz.


Avner Mendelson

Former President and CEO of Bank Leumi USA. Avner serves on the Board of the UJA, the Board of Regents for the American Friends of The Hebrew University, and the Board of the Shefa School in NYC. Avner served as in Combat solider in the IDF

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Ariella Goloborodskiy

An honors graduate of Ramaz High School and recipient of the David Franklin memorial award for outstanding work and dedication in the sciences. Ariella is currently on a gap year in Israel studying Jewish studies and interning at a genetics lab at Bar Ilan University prior to attending Emory University on a liberal arts merit scholarship.

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Ori Weizman

Former CEO of a consulting firm working on digital transformation, cloud and cybersecurity initiatives with the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Ori has 20+ years of experience in tech and is currently working within the Israeli startup ecosystem in Tel Aviv. 

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Sapir Keren

Recognized as an 'Outstanding Commander' during her time as a combat commander in the IDF, Sapir completed her service along the Egyptian and Jordanian borders and transitioned into several start-up organizations. She is now beginning her studies in Business and Entrepreneurship at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

  • The team sourced and distributed specific tactical gear supporting reservists in the 2nd Lebanon War

  • At the onset of current events we sourced, vetted and coordinated ballistic testing and procurement of ceramic vests to IMOD standards. Subsequently established the supply channel for IMOD and IDF

  • Currently, we are answering specific unit needs on the front-line for medical equipment to tactical supplies via distributors in the US, the EU and Israel

  • We continue to have our ears to the ground, speaking directly to commanders and units in the field to answer their needs.

A Project of GSD Advisers

GSD Advisers Inc. is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization founded in 2019 with the goal of increasing safety within the Jewish community. Since the early 2000s, the founder of GSD has been collaborating with a board of industry leaders in order to extend its impact and help the Jewish people and state of Israel in times of need. Donations to GSD are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The organization has no overhead, takes no management fee or commissions. 100 % of donations go directly to the cause as they always have been.
GSD Advisers Inc. EIN:85-0500393

Shields of Steel is a project of GSD Advisers Inc., a 501(c)3 not for profit organization focused on the security of the Jewish people.  All donations are fully tax deductible to the extent of the law. The organization has no overhead, takes no management fee or commissions.

100 % of the donations go directly to protecting our soldiers and defending Israel.

Our tax ID # is 85-0500393

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